Mangal Dosha a.k.a Kuja Dosha

Kuja Dosha, more commonly know as Mangal Dosha, is probably one of the most controversial, most talked and likely the most feared facet of Jyotish when it comes to relationships and match making. The fear arises from its association with divorce, spousal ill-health/death and other severe marital problems.

It is controversial since there is no reference of this Dosha in any of the classics. Nonetheless, a large fraction of practicing Jyotishis use it very commonly.

The Kuja Dosha indicates a bad karma from the native’s past life with regards to relationships / marriage. The bad karma is attributed to the native abusing the partner in some shape or form and therefore being subject to payback in this lifetime. The payback befittingly being heartbreak and sadness caused by failed relationships.

Mars’ association with this Dosha makes sense given the lore of Mars’ presiding deity Narasimha (the man-lion). Narsimha was one of Lord Vishnu‘s avatars born to execute retribution for the mistreatment of his ardent devotee Prahalada.

The configuration

Mars in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th houses, from the Asc, Sun or Venus, indicates a Kuja Dosha. The Dosha is significant only if it repeats from 2 of the 3 placements. This Dosha applies only to the Rashi chart and not to the D9 chart.

Mars, in the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 12th houses affects the 7th house or relationships via aspects/occupation. It is also problematic in the 2nd house of family or the 8th (spouses family).

The workaround

A person with this Dosha should go slow on relationships till Mars matures at 28 years of age. Even after that he/she should be careful in avoiding situations and behavior that have provocative potential.

If such a person marries prior to age 28 and is able to make the marriage work till age 36, they will also likely avoid the outcome of a divorce.

The other suggestion is for the native to find someone that also has the same configuration of an equivalent magnitude.

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