How to Prashna – the simple guide to Prashna in Jyotish

General principles

  1. Is the Prashna Valid?
    • One or more of the following placed in the Karya Bhava is a good indication that the Prashna is valid
      • Moon
      • Moon’s Nakshatra ruler
      • Lagnesh
      • Lagna’s Nakshatra ruler
    • Moon should not be placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th houses
  2. The Lagna Nakshatra can give a lot of cues about the nature of the Prashna

Timing the outcome

Timing the outcome is a key component of the response to any Prashna.

The factors involved in timing the outcome are:

  1. The type of the rising Lagna
    • Movable – Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricon
    • Dual – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
    • Fixed – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
  2. Placement of the faster moving graha
    • Kendra Bhavas i.e. Bhavas 1, 4, 7, 10
    • Panaphara Bhavas i.e. Bhavas 2, 5, 8, 11
    • Apoklima Bhavas i.e. Bhavas 3, 6, 9, 12
  3. Degress of separation between the Lagnesh and Karyesh.
  4. As with anything else in Jyotish, the Kaal (Time) – Desh (Place) -Patra (Individual) a.k.a. contextualizaiton forms a fundamental basis of determining the timing.

Using # 1, # 2 and # 3 above, the reference duration range can be determined using the table below. e.g. If the rising sign is Virgo, the faster moving planet is in the 2nd Bhava and there is 5° separation between the Karyesh and Bhavesh, it could mean the outcome of the Prashna can be expected between 5 days and 5 months. This is where #4 comes into the play. If the question is “When will my lost do be found?” the answer is more likely to be 5 days vs. 5 months. If the question is “When will my boyfriend propose to me?” the answer is more likely to be 5 months.

Faster Graha
KendraMins to DaysHours to WeeksDays to Months
PanapharaHours to WeeksDays to MonthsWeeks to Years
ApoklimaDays to MonthsWeeks to YearsYears to Never
Reference table for determining duration of the Prashna outcome


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