Introducing the leading players in the realm of mental illnesses and issues.
Saturn, Rahu-Ketu (lead roles), Mars (supporting role)
The sambandha of these planets with the indicators of mind/manas i.e. the 1st, 4th or 5th Bhavas or Bhaveshas and/or Moon (karaka for mind), Mercury (karaka for intellect) is an indication of mental illiness.
The extent of problems can then be further qualified by evaluating:
- Strength/condition of the malefics as well as the various indicators the mind/manas listed above.
- Number of sambandhas between the malefics and the indicators of the mind/manas.
- The bhava positions where the sambandha is taking place.
- Any ameliorating sambandha with natural benefics.
Rahu and Ketu can cause the person to create his/her or own alternative albeit irrational realities that aren’t fathomable to anyone else.
Saturn on the other hand can cause a deep rooted fear and/or anxiety originating from a traumatic experience involving abuse or neglect.
Under conditions of extreme affliction a Saturn-Mars sambandha can be indicative of suicidal tendencies. The driving factor being Saturn frustrating the action-oriented Mars to a point where Mars figures the only way out or the only thing left to do is self-annihilation.
Look at the lordships of the houses conjoining the Moon, the matters pertaining to those Bhavas will be cause of mental disturbances.
The 12th house is the 9th (father / past) from the 4th house (mind) and therefore can give important clues about the native’s mental make-up.
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