Category: Fundamentals

  • paṃcāṃga – The five limbs of time

    He who studies the Panchanga, Tithi, Vara, Nakshatra, Yoga and Kara of every day becomes free from all sins. Knowledge of the Tithis brings prosperity. Knowledge of the Vara prologs life. Knowledge of the Nakshatra causes destruction of sins. Knowledge of Yoga gives immunity from disease. Knowledge of Karana leads to success in all endeavors.…

  • Graha Sambandha – the eternal bond

    The Sanskrit word Sambandha in essence means some kind of a connection, a bond. The word, therefore, lies at the crux of of our existence. Whether we like it or not, whether we believe it or not, we are all connected, in ways, shapes and forms that for the most part lie beyond our ability…

  • graha avasthA – the essence of jyotiSa

    jyotiSa is all about the grahas and to be more specific all about the graha avasthA or the state of grahas at any given point in time, be it at birth, be it at the current moment or be it somehwhere in the future. So, it would not be an understatement to say that imbibing…

  • The insider tips to Graha Yogas

    Tip 1 : Yogas by formed by planets in the same planetary camp are more powerful. Camp 1 being Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter. Camp 2 being Saturn, Venus and Mercury. Tip 2: Sunapha yoga – Planets 2nd from the moon show a person’s ability to acquire and how and what they will acquire. Anapha…

  • Combustion

    Combustion impacts the individual represented by the combust planet and / or the quality of the native’s relationship with that individual. e.g. A combust 5th lord or Jupiter could mean challenges for the native’s children and / or that the native’s relationship with children is challenging or troublesome. There is also the ‘blinding effect’ e.g.…

  • Karako Bhavo Nashe

    This is probably one of the most frequently used and yet the most frequently misunderstood concept in Jyotish. The concept only applies to the living being indicated by the Bhava (house) and not the other house significations. e.g. Jupiter in the 5th would potentially only impact the children of the native in question. Other 5th…

  • Graha padArtha – The quintessential planetary categorization

    Gunas, Doshas, Dhatus Planet Guna Dosha Dhatu Sun Sattva Pitta Mula (organic) Moon Sattva Kapha, Vata Mula (organic) Mars Tamas Pitta Dhatu (inorganic) Mercury Rajas Pitta, Kapha, Vata Jiva (living beings) Jupiter Sattva Kapha Jiva (living beings) Venus Rajas Kapha, Vata Mula (organic) Saturn Tamas Vata Dhatu (inorganic) Rahu Tamas – Dhatu (inorganic) Ketu Tamas…

  • Bhaava – The manisfestation facet of jyotiSa

    Feeling. Emotion. Sentiment. Spirit. All of these fall under the all encompassing umbrella that the seers called bhaava. Each of the 12 bhaavas of the chart represent a multitude of these sentiments. As is the infinite spectrum of human emotions, so is the infinite range of feelings that each bhaava represents. The silver lining is…

  • The Ascendant Lord / Lagnesh

    The house (bhava) that has the Ascendant Lord (Lagnesh) becomes what I call the “spotlight area” of ones life. It highlights the arenas of life that will be in the forefront during the native’s lifetime. Things or activities that the native is destined to pay attention to and accomplish during this life. Ignoring the same…

  • The divisional enigma -Vargas or Amashas

    The Vargas or Amshas are an enigma in themselves. Not extensively elaborated in the classics, the Amshas have been a mystery that generations of Jyotishis have tried to unravel with each of them contributing their own little bit. The Amshas, however, are very sensitive to the accuracy of the birth time. Therefore, I refrain from…

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