The divine custodian of righteouness – Dharmarāja Shani (Saturn)

Saturn is the personification of a deep seated resentment and frustration with current circumstances usually rooted in some sort of injustice. The instinctive reaction of someone under a Saturnian influence is therefore to rebel against the status quo no matter what the cost, in the process damaging not only other but oneself as well. The key though for such a person though is to self reflect and realize that the pain can be overcome not by changing the external circumstances but by changing one’s responses to the external stimuli. Thereby becoming the spark of change that catalyzes a chain reaction of changes in the status quo that caused the frustration in the first place.

Saturn therefore doesn’t aim to destroy but to transform. Transformation many a times takes the route of destruction to make way for the reconstruction and therefore more often than not is seen a painful process that one would not choose if one had a choice.

Saturn modus operandi for this transformation is simple. Service and servitude. It is willing to serve an individual’s consciouness in whatever shape or form the individual wishes Saturn to. The only condition being that the individual be willing to own up to and pay for the said wishes. As simple as that. Saturn’s prime directive is dutifuly carrying his responsibilities as dharmarāja (धर्मराज) a.k.a. the king of righteosness or more aptly the custodian of righteouness.

Contrary to belief, Saturn doesn’t punish. It simply ensures fair compensation for wishes granted. The issue is most mortal make wishes without fully comtemplating the consequences and thefore are in for a rude awakening when the invoice arrives. They then lay blame squarely the messenger completely skirting their own responsiblities.

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